Meet Alexon

I was born a healer with a strong compassion for all beings. For ten years that manifested through veterinary work, but I became interested in acupuncture through my own healing journey to resolve old neck injuries. As this modality started to reveal its restorative powers, my curiosity for ancient medicine grew. Seeing first hand the range of body systems it could gently transform helped solidify my decision to study Traditional Chinese Medicine full time. With gratitude for my Western medicine foundation, I dove into a rigorous four year program and graduated from the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences. It didn’t take me long to realize I had found my calling with the holistic and preventative approach Eastern medicine offers. I love how it embraces and values a whole lifestyle – diet, movement, sleep, spirit and emotions. One of my strengths as a Chinese medicine practitioner is listening and holding a calm, safe space to allow the body and mind to shift. Time is rare in our current healthcare settings, and although I believe it is my patient’s responsibility to be willing to work towards healing, I feel honored to partner with them through their journey. It is with this alignment where the magic of the medicine can truly be witnessed. I look forward to meeting you where you are, and guiding this opportunity for self-exploration.

Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, I recently moved to Bend with my husband, 4 year old son, 2 cats, and a dog, seeking a more peaceful way of life and a deeper connection to nature! When not working or spending time with my family, I enjoy hiking, playing volleyball in Drake park, crafting, pilates, and cooking. I have a love for music and enjoy singing, practicing the banjo, and integrating healing sounds into the rhythms of my daily life and treatments.